Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Related Information and Resources

Vaccination Registration Site:

Employers & Mandatory Vaccinations Seminar Slides

Employers & Mandatory Vax Slides
All individuals who work in dental practices are eligible to register for the COVID-19 vaccine.As of today, January 4, 2021, individuals who work in dental practices of all types are eligible to receive the vaccine. This includes all dental staff.

To register for the vaccine, visit theNYSDOH website and take the eligibility survey. Some area hospital hubs are sending separate links to register for the vaccine.Please visit the NYSDA website for a list of available links.

Beginning Week 4, January 4, 2021, vaccination facilities add: All Outpatient/Ambulatory front-line, high-risk health care workers of any age who provide direct in-person patient care, or other staff in a position in which they have direct contact with patients (i.e., intake staff), will be eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccine. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals who work in private medical practices; hospital-affiliated medical practices; public health clinics; specialty medical practices of all types;dental practices of all types; dialysis workers; diagnostic and treatment centers; occupational therapists; physical therapists; speech therapists; phlebotomists; behavioral health workers; and student health workers.View the full guidance from the NY State Dept. of Heatlth (NYSDOH).

If any confusion with eligibility occurs, we recommend printing this guidance and bringing it with you to your appointment. It supersedes all previous guidance.

Members are advised to monitor their emails for a notification from the NYSDOor your local county health department which will include additional information on how to register to receive the vaccine in your area.


The NYS Department of Health has released the following document: Interim Guidance For Dentistry During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. It is important that you review the document and follow the instructions on the last page.

Note: The last page contains a link at the bottom of the page that will take you to an acknowledgement form. Once completed, you must submit online.


The information about vendors and services contained below does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Eighth District Dental Society.

National Dental Supply Chains:

- Henry Schein Dental
- Patterson Dental
- TDSC The Dental Supply Company  (NYSDA sponsored)
- Benco Dental

Face Masks, Face Shields:
- NISSHA Medical Technologies (variety of PPE equipment & supplies) 716.847.7504 Dr. Mike Gaglio
- Niagara Scientific Products (KN95 masks) 716-759-6174 Jon, Jenn DeMeis
- MedActive John Freda (KN 95 masks) 716-510-4070
- UB Dr. Praveen Arany (3D printed masks)
- Anton DecoTech Bill McCauley (716-857-0220)
- NelDerm Face Shields (440-867-3214)
- Ultralight Optics: (loupe compatible face shields)
- Professional Plastics; Face shields, Sneeze Guards (716-912-1205) Tom  Westermeier
- M Plus, LLC (301-279-8780) Mark Eidelman N95 masks & disposable gowns
- Designs for Vision, Inc (1.800.345.4009) loupes, face shields
- Pro-Tex (800) 680-9361 face shields
- Becky Colville (716) 907-6945 N95 & KN95 masks
- Chronically Fit  Diana Donnarumma (716) 812-0043
- White Oak Orthodontics (717) 224-8532

Questions about Masks, Fit Testing, NIOSH concerns, call Erie Co. Department of Health, or Department of Homeland Securities/Supplies at 716-858-2300

Fit Testing
- OSEA Inc. Fit Testing Buffalo, NY (716-821-0091) Joe Coniglio
- Great Lakes Environmental (716) 827-0700

Reopening Kits
Buffalo Design & Printing (716.877.9444) Email: